In 2011, an evaluation of the NMC was performed by an independent committee of international metabolomics experts in accordance with the guidelines of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In its assessment, the committee paid particular attention to the valorisation of knowledge. On the basis of a self-evaluation by the NMC, the committee paid a three-day visit to the Centre to interview researchers and staff.
We provided support to the evaluation committee. We helped the committee prepare and accompanied it during its visit to the NMC. On the basis of discussions within the committee, we subsequently made a proposal for the consensus assessment and final report.
Our work resulted in a final report containing an assessment of the NMC according to the KNAW guidelines. The final report also gave recommendations to the NMC’s management. These concerned the exploitation of strengths and improvement of weaker aspects of the programme, so that the NMC will be in a better position to contribute to the development of new treatments for patients, as well as to a sustainable society.